Pierre Huyghe’s etheral show at Punta della Dogana, Venice

This is one of the most impressive collateral exhibitions of the Venice Biennale. In close collaboration with curator Anne Stenne, Pierre Huyghe stages Liminal, which features works from the last ten years, mostly from the Pinault Collection, in addition to significant new pieces at Punta della Dogana, Pinault’s stunning exhibition space designed by Tadao Ando in Venice. This presentation coincides with La Biennale.

Throughout his career, Pierre Huyghe has been questioning the relationship between the human and non-human. He views his works as speculative fictions that give rise to different world paradigms. He defined fictions as “vehicles for accessing what could be or could not be—what could be possible or the impossible.”. This show reflects the artist’s conceptual framework and immerses visitors into mysterious environments that question the natural life and organic order.

Punta della Dogana is transformed by Pierre Huyghe into a sensitive, dynamic space that is always changing. The exhibition is a temporary habitat for both human and non-human species, serving as a hub for the development of subjectivities that are ever-evolving, adapting, and blending together. The knowledge they are remembering from events is growing.

According to Pierre Huyghe, the exhibition is a random ritual in which fresh opportunities arise and coexist devoid of hierarchy or inevitability. With Liminal, he extends an invitation for us to explore alternate realms and see the world from an unhuman—that is, foreign—perspective. It’s fantastic!

Image: Pierre Huyghe, Idiom, 2024, Courtesy Leeum Museum of Art. Installation view, “Pierre Huyghe. Liminal”, 2024, Punta della Dogana, Venezia. Ph. Ola Rindal © Palazzo Grassi, Pinault Collection