Pace presents teamLab in London

PACE LONDON Flowers on People_2_16-9.jpg 

“We are honoured to share some of our most recently created artworks and hope the universality of their themes—creativity, play, exploration, immersion, life, and fluidity—will seep into the broader conscience.” Toshiyuki Inoko,  founder of teamLab explains.

Following teamLab’s very successful show in Menlo Park, Transcending Boundaries, an exhibition of works by teamLab featuring three rooms of immersive installations, two of which have never been seen before, will be on view from 25 January to 11 March 2017 at 6 Burlington Gardens.

The show will explore the role of digital technology in transcending the physical and conceptual boundaries that exist between different artworks, with imagery from one work breaking free of the frame and entering the space of another. The installations also dissolve distinctions between artwork and exhibition space, and involve the viewer through interactivity.

In Flowers Bloom on People (2017), the darkened space is transformed by the presence of the viewer, which activates the work. With the body as a canvas for the projections, flowers are in a process of continuous change—growing, decaying and scattering in direct response to the viewer’s movements.

teamLab aims to go beyond the boundaries of art, science, technology and creativity through collaborative initiatives.

Image: Flowers Bloom on People, teamLab, 2017, Digitized Nature, Endless, Sound: Hideaki Takahashi. Photo courtesy teamLab © 2016 teamLab, courtesy Pace Gallery.