Tino Sehgal in Athens

Tino Sehgal - Foto Italo Rondinella


Tino Sehgal will be presenting a new piece in and around the Roman Agora in Athens from 25 September to 28 October 2014. The exhibition, produced by Asad Raza, marks the first time a major work of Sehgal’s will be presented outdoors.

This exhibition arises from the initiative to mount Sehgal’s works in the ancient sites of Athens and NEON’s ongoing  commitment to activating public spaces and enhancing public life throughout the city of Athens. It will take place in the Roman Agora and in an adjacent indoor location and will operate every day for the Agora’s full opening hours and, indoors, into the night. The installations to be shown are constructed of choreography, song, and peripatetic philosophical conversation.

“When I visited the ancient sites of Athens, where commercial, cultural, social and philosophical exchange took place, where knowledge passed through and was transferred between bodies, I had the distinct feeling that the embodied and dialogical elements in Sehgal’s work would have a special resonance here,” says writer and producer Raza.